Why Accept


Establish Credibility and Legitimacy
Credit card "logos", which are familiar to everyone, create a sense of establishment while "instantly" telling your customer that they can tap into an another source of funds... increasing their ability to spend more!

Increase Sales & Cash Flow
Customers tend to approach you faster and spend up to 40% or more when they can "charge it"!

Credit cards are used in both Personal and Business for:
-Additional payments
-Balances due
-Quick impulsive decisions
-Planned or unforeseen expenses
-Recurring payments

They're Better Than Checks
-Remove the customer's spending limitation 
-Receive immediate authorization 
-Improve your cash flow with direct deposit
-Less paperwork and bank deposit charges

Reduce Accounts Receivable
Get paid quickly while offering your customer a way to extend their payment.

Give Your Customers A Convenience They Deserve and Appreciate. They Can...
-Make purchases when tight on cash
-Keep their money in bank and earn interest
-Get free use of money by paying their new purchase balance in full
-Earn bankcard bonuses, air miles, double warranties, free gifts, insurance, etc...
-Keep track of bills - Individual or Business
-Give You and Your Customers a Sense of Security
-Reduce chances of theft when there is less cash "flashing around"

Gives You an Edge Over Your Competition
Everything else being equal, same product, same price, and service... when you accept credit cards and your competitor doesn't... you have one more reason for the customer to choose you!

Don't limit your customer's ability to spend.
Supercharge Your Sales
& Cash Flow...

Start Accepting Credit Cards Today






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